Items where Division is "Business School" and Year is [pin missing: value2]

Group by: CreatorsPublication Type
Number of items at this level: 168.


Ali, M., Koh, S. C. L., Liu, L., Zhang, J., Roberts, W. M., Robins, D. and Cooper, D. (2022) Assessing pre-pandemic carbon footprint of diet transitions in UK nations and regions. International Journal of Production Research. pp. 1-16. ISSN 0020-7543

Ali, M. (2019) Field lessons in surveying healthcare waste management activities in Pakistan. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal. ISSN 1020-3397

Ali, M., Ashraf, U., Chaudhry, N. and Geng, Y. (2018) Unsafe waste management practices and hepatitis C among hospital sanitary staff in Pakistan. The Journal of Hospital Infection, 96 (1). pp. 95-96. ISSN 0195-6701

Ali, M., Chaudhry, N. and Wang, W. (2017) Assessment of hospital waste management in a major city of Pakistan. International Journal of Environment and Waste Management, 19 (2). pp. 97-104. ISSN 1478-9876

Ali, M. and Geng, Y. (2018) Accounting embodied economic potential of healthcare waste recycling — a case study from Pakistan. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 190 (11). p. 678. ISSN 0167-6369

Ali, M., Geng, Y., Robins, D., Cooper, D. and Roberts, W. M. (2019) Impact assessment of energy utilization in agriculture – a decadal comparison of India and Pakistan. Science of the Total Environment, 648. pp. 1520-1526. ISSN 0048-9697

Ali, M., Geng, Y., Robins, D., Cooper, D., Roberts, W. M. and Vogtländer, J. (2019) Improvement of waste management practices in a fast expanding sub-megacity in Pakistan, on the basis of qualitative and quantitative indicators. Waste Management, 85. pp. 253-263. ISSN 0956-053X

Ali, M., Kennedy, C. M., Kiesecker, J. and Geng, Y. (2018) Integrating biodiversity offsets within Circular Economy policy in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 185. pp. 32-43. ISSN 0959-6526

Ali, M., Marvuglia, A., Geng, Y., Chaudhry, N. and Khokhar, S. (2018) Emergy based carbon footprinting of household solid waste management scenarios in Pakistan. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 131. pp. 283-296. ISSN 0921-3449

Ali, M., Marvuglia, A., Geng, Y., Robins, D., Pan, H., Song, X., Yu, Z. and Sun, H. (2018) Accounting Emergy-based sustainability of crops production in India and Pakistan over first decade of the 21st century. Journal of Cleaner Production, 207. pp. 111-122. ISSN 0959-6526

Ali, M., Wang, W. and Chaudhry, N. (2016) Application of life cycle assessment for hospital solid waste management: A case study. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 66 (10). pp. 1012-1018. ISSN 1096-2247

Ali, M., Wang, W. and Chaudhry, N. (2016) Investigating motivating factors for sound hospital waste management. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 66 (8). pp. 786-794. ISSN 1096-2247

Ali, M., Wang, W., Chaudhry, N. and Geng, Y. (2017) Hospital waste management in developing countries: A mini review. Waste Management & Research, 35 (6). pp. 581-592. ISSN 0734-242X

Ali, M., Wang, W., Chaudhry, N., Geng, Y. and Ashraf, U. (2017) Assessing knowledge, performance, and efficiency for hospital waste management—a comparison of government and private hospitals in Pakistan. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 189 (4). ISSN 0167-6369

Andrews, M. and Goodman, D. (2014) Real Live Architectural Projects. In: Beyond the Campus: Higher Education and the Creative Economy, 23 June 2014, Kings College London. (Unpublished)


Board, D. and Warwick, R. (2013) Chief executives are running scared. Health Service Journal. ISSN 0952-2271

Bradbury, H., Glenzer, K., Ku, B., Columbia, D., Kjellstr€, S., Arag, A. O., Warwick, R., Traeger, J., Apgar, M., Friedman, V., Chuan Hsia, H., Lifvergren, S. and Gray, P. (2019) What is good action research: Quality choice points with a refreshed urgency. Action Research, 17 (1). pp. 14-18. ISSN 1476-7503

Bragina, L., Micha, E., Roberts, W. M., O'Connell, K., O'Donoghue, C., Ryan, M. and Daly, K. (2019) Spatial and temporal variability in costs and effectiveness in phosphorus loss mitigation at farm scale: A scenario analysis. Journal of Environmental Management, 245. pp. 330-337. ISSN 0301-4797

Burden, P. and Warwick, R. (2014) The purpose and practice of Conscious Business. eOrganisions & People, 21 (1). pp. 3-10.


Clegg, A. (2010) Captivating students in the 21st century: Developing online SPSS simulations to support statistical techniques. In: GEES Subject Centre 10th Anniversary Conference - “GEES Learning and Teaching to 2020”, 7-9 Jul 2010, University of Plymouth. (Submitted)

Clegg, A. (2010) Creativity in assessment - assessing creativity: A case study of a student-led widening participation activity for local schools. In: Enhancing Learning and Teaching Through Assessment and Feedback Swap Shop, 12 January 2010, University of Chichester. (Unpublished)

Clegg, A. (2010) Embedding sustainability education into curricula design: An example of the destination management handbook. In: All Our Futures Conference 2, September 2010, Centre for Sustainable Futures, University of Plymouth. (Unpublished)

Clegg, A. (2009) Non-written forms of assessment: A case study of a student-led widening participation activity for local schools. In: Geography, Earth and Environmental Science Subject Centre Assessment for Learning Conference, 22 June 2009, University of Manchester Conference Centre, Fallowfield Campus, Manchester. (Unpublished)

Cooper, D. (2014) Coast to Capital: Strategic Economic Plan Developing Networks of Innovation Space to be Creative. Project Report. Coast to Capital, Horsham, UK.

Cooper, D. and Horwood, J. (2009) Final report on the West Sussex Post Office Closure Impact Study. Project Report. West Sussex County Council, Chichester, UK.

Court, S., Andrews, M. and Goodman, D. (2018) Somerstown Stories and the benefits of using a design charette for community engagement. Research for All, 2 (2). pp. 304-312. ISSN 2399-8121


Fletcher, S., Jefferson, R. and McKinley, E. (2012) Exploring the shallows: a response to ‘Saving the shallows: focusing marine conservation where people might care'. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 22 (1). pp. 7-10. ISSN 1099-0755


González Jiménez, J. L., Healy, M. G., Roberts, W. M. and Daly, K. (2018) Contrasting yield responses to phosphorus applications on mineral and organic soils from extensively managed grasslands: Implications for P management in high ecological status catchment. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 181 (6). pp. 861-869. ISSN 1436-8730

González Jiméneza, J.L., Daly, K., Roberts, W. M. and Healy, M. G. (2019) Split phosphorus fertiliser applications as a strategy to reduce incidental phosphorus losses in surface runoff. Journal of Environmental Management, 242. pp. 114-120. ISSN 0301-4797

Goodman, D. (2019) The Apprenticeship Experience at university: an exploration. e-Organisations & People, 26 (2). pp. 12-24. ISSN 2042-9797

Goodman, D. (2015) Competitive Advantage Where Next? In: University of Chichester Business Knowledge Network, 30 Sept 2015, University of Chichester. (Unpublished)

Goodman, D. (2016) Design Thinking: What, How and Where. In: Innovate or Fail, 28 Sept 2016, University of Chichester Business School. (Unpublished)

Goodman, D. (2016) Forming, Norming, Hang on... In: University of Chichester Learning and Teaching Conference, June 2016, University of Chichester. (Unpublished)

Gutic, J. (2022) Tourism recovery plans by UK Destination Management Organisations (DMOs): a new sustainable chapter, or a return to business-as-usual? In: The Emerald Handbook of Destination Recovery in Tourism and Hospitality. Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 481-496. ISBN 9781802620733

Gutic M, J. (2018) Manhood Peninsula Destination Management Plan 2018-2023. Technical Report. Sustainable Tourism on the Manhood Peninsula (STOMP) Project, Bognor Regis.

Gutic M, J. and Caie, E. (2016) Tourism donations in sacred settings: An exploratory study of visitor donations in an English cathedral. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 21 (4). pp. 242-252. ISSN 1479-103X

Gutic M, J., Caie, E. and Clegg, A. (2010) In search of heterotopia? Motivations of visitors to an English cathedral. International Journal of Tourism Research, 12 (6). pp. 750-760. ISSN 1099-2340

Gutic M, J., Caie, E. and Clegg, A. (2010) In search of heterotopia? Visitor motivations to an English Cathedral. International Journal of Tourism Research, 12 (6). pp. 750-760. ISSN 1099-2340


Javaheri Javid, M. A., Tim Blackwell, B., Robert, Z. and Mohammad Majid, a.-R. (2016) Analysis of Information Gain and Kolmogorov Complexity for Structural Evaluation of Cellular Automata Configurations. Connection Science, 28 (2). pp. 155-170. ISSN 0954-0091

Javaheri Javid, M. A., Ursyn, A., Zimmer, R., al-Rifaie, M. M. and Alghamdi, W. (2017) Swarmic approach for symmetry detection of cellular automata behaviour. Soft Computing, 21. pp. 5585-5599. ISSN 1432-7643

Jefferson, R., McKinley, E., Capstick, S., Fletcher, S., Griffin, H. and Milanese, M. (2015) Understanding audiences: Making public perceptions research matter to marine conservation. Ocean and Coastal Management, 115. pp. 61-70. ISSN 0964-5691


Kan, V. and Mukhopadhyay, B. R. (2022) The Role of Migration in Women Entrepreneurship and Empowerment: Evidence from Nigeria. Journal of Women’s Entrepreneurship and Education, 2022 (1-2). pp. 187-212. ISSN 1821-1283


Leseure, M. (2010) Exploitation versus Exploration in Island Economies: A Brand Diagnostic Perspective. The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 9 (4). pp. 463-479. ISSN 1476-1297

Leseure, M. (2019) Is the recovery of failing scenario analysis a legitimate and valuable activity? World Futures Review, 11 (1). pp. 80-97. ISSN 1946-7567

Leseure, M. (2014) Island Branding, Identity, and Economic Self-Discovery: A Simulation Model. International Journal of Applied Decision Science, 7 (4). pp. 343-360. ISSN 1755-8077

Leseure, M. (2019) Lifecycle Cost And Environmental Impact Analysis of Adopting an Electric Vehicle Fleet for West Sussex County Council. Project Report. University of Chichester, Chichester, West Sussex, UK. (Unpublished)

Leseure, M. (2017) Operations management theory: a four-level framework for next generation operations. Proceedings of the 24th EUROMA Conference.

Leseure, M. (2010) Organisational design alternatives within international operations networks: a transaction cost perspective. International Journal of Services and Operations Management, 7 (4). pp. 419-439. ISSN 1744-2370

Leseure, M. (2016) Strategic trade-offs and sustainable supply chains. Proceeding of the Third Euroma Sustainable Operations and Supply Chain Forum.

Leseure, M. (2018) Sustainable consumption as a constraint to sustainable production. In: 27th International Conference on Management of Technology, 22 - 26 April 2018, Aston Business School, Aston University, Birmingham.

Leseure, M. (2019) Teaching operations planning at the undergraduate level. Sage Open, 9 (2). pp. 1-13. ISSN 2158-2440

Leseure, M. (2015) Trust in Manufacturing Engineering Project Systems An Evolutionary Perspective. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 26 (7). pp. 1013-1030. ISSN 1741-038X

Leseure, M. (2018) A critical review of the social dimension of sustainability in operations management research. Proceedings of the 5th International EUROMA Sustainable Operations and Supply Chain Management.

Leseure, M. and Alexander, A. (2017) Behaviour, the theory of constraints, and the future of sustainable supply chain management. Proceedings of the 04th EUROMA Sustainable Operations and Supply Chains Forum.

Leseure, M. and Atif, H. (2010) Transferring academic decision models to practitioners: a structured process. International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences, 3 (1). pp. 74-89. ISSN 1755-8077

Leseure, M., Bennett, D. and Lee, T.-R. (2013) The competitiveness of Chinese manufacturing beyond the Lewis Turning Point: The role of explorative technology transfer. In: Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Global Manufacturing and China. Institute for Manufacturing, University of Cambridge, Cambridge. ISBN 9781902546186

Leseure, M., Cooper, D. and Robins, D. (2017) Stimulating Supply Chain Manufacturing Growth: Can Policy Create Supply Chains from a Void? In: 21st Cambridge International Manufacturing Symposium: Globalisation 2.0: Rethinking supply chains in the new technological and political landscape, 28-29 September 2017, Institute of Manufacturing, University of Cambridge.

Leseure, M., Cooper, D. and Robins, D. (2014) Supply chain, sustainability, and industrial policy - the case of the UK offshore wind energy supply chain. Proceedings of the First International Sustainable Operations and Supply Chain Forum.

Leseure, M. and Driouchi, T. (2010) Exploitation versus Exploration in Multinational Firms: Implications for the Future of International Business. Futures, 42 (9). pp. 937-951. ISSN 0016-3287

Leseure, M., Robins, D., Wall, G. and Jones, D. (2019) Making the Most Out of Renewable Energy Opportunities: Lessons Learned from a Regional Strategic Mapping Approach. International Journal of Energy Sector Management, 13 (1). pp. 212-228. ISSN 1750-6220

Li, W., Wang, W., Wang, Y. and Ali, M. (2018) Historical growth in total factor carbon productivity of the Chinese industry – A comprehensive analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production, 170. pp. 471-485. ISSN 0959-6526


Maddocks, M. (2021) An evaluation of the views and values of site users following designation and management of an MCZ: a case study of Kingmere MCZ 2018. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

McKinley, E. and Fletcher, S. (2012) Improving marine environmental health through marine citizenship: A call for debate. Marine Policy, 36 (3). pp. 839-843. ISSN 0308-597X

McKinley, E. and Fletcher, S. (2010) Individual responsibility for the oceans? An evaluation of marine citizenship by UK marine practitioners. Ocean and Coastal Management, 53 (7). pp. 379-384. ISSN 0964-5691

McKinley, E. Future Collaboration for the Marine Sector in Devon – Pulling Together. Project Report. University of Chichester.

McKinley, E. Marina 2020: A Vision for the Future Sustainability of Channel/ Arc Manche Marinas INDUSTRY REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS FOR BEST PRACTICE. Project Report. University of Chichester.

McKinley, E. Socio-Economic Impact of business activity in sensitive maritime environments in the Channel region A Case Study of Chichester Harbour, West Sussex. Project Report. University of Chichester.

McKinley, E., Cooper, D., De Silva, M. and Bouvier, C. Port Centricity: Growth and Diversity for Local Ports Executive Summary. Project Report. University of Chichester.

McKinley, E. and Feast, M. The Channel’s MRE Sector: Status Report. Project Report. University of Chichester. (Unpublished)

Mukhopadhyay, B. R. (2022) Business, Economy, and Society: Tales from the Pandemic Days. Business, Economy, and Society, 1-2 . Solent University, Southampton. ISBN 9781999654962

Mukhopadhyay, B. R. (2016) Solar energy based entrepreneurship and rural development: Analysing institutional arrangements that support solar energy entrepreneurs in India. Doctoral thesis, University of Sussex.

Mukhopadhyay, B. R. (2022) “You Are What You Watch?”: Evaluating the Impact of Media Violence on Youth Behaviour during the COVID-19 Lockdown in Uzbekistan. International Journal of Applied Behavioral Economics, 11 (1). pp. 1-24. ISSN 2160-9802

Mukhopadhyay, B. R. and Chatwin, C. (2020) The Significance of Herzberg and Taylor for the Gig Economy of China: Evaluating Gigger Incentives for Meituan and International Journal of Applied Behavioral Economics, 9 (4). pp. 1-17. ISSN 2160-9802

Mukhopadhyay, B. R. and Chatwin, C. (2020) YOUR DRIVER IS DIDI AND MINUTES AWAY FROM YOUR PICK-UP POINT’: UNDERSTANDING EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION IN THE GIG ECONOMY OF CHINA. International Journal of Developing and Emerging Economies, 8 (1). pp. 1-16. ISSN 2055-6098


Nadda, V., Arnott, I. and Sealy, W. (2020) Legal, Safety, and Environmental Challenges for Event Management: Emerging Research and Opportunities. IGI Global, London. ISBN 9781799832300

Nadda, V., Sealy, W. and Delaney, E. (2022) Employability and Skills Development in the Sports, Events, and Hospitality Industry. Other. IGI Global.

Nolan, E. (2020) Modifying the conceptual model of site selection in the organisation of association conferences. Journal of Convention & Event Tourism. pp. 1-20. ISSN 1547-0156


Preston, J. and Robins, D. (2013) Evaluating the long term impacts of transport policy: The case of passenger rail privatisation. Research in Transportation Economics, 39 (1). pp. 14-20. ISSN 0739-8859


Roberts, W. M., Couldrick, L. B., Williams, G., Robins, D. and Cooper, D. (2021) Mapping the potential for Payments for Ecosystem Services schemes to improve water quality in agricultural catchments: A multi-criteria approach based on the supply and demand concept. Water Research, 206. ISSN 0043-1354

Roberts, W. M., George, T. S., Stutter, M. I., Louro, A., Ali, M. and Haygarth, P. M. (2020) Phosphorus leaching from riparian soils with differing management histories under three grass species. Journal of Environmental Quality, 49 (1). pp. 74-84. ISSN 1537-2537

Robins, D. (2011) Clustering and the cconomic impacts of marinas. [Experiments]

Robins, D. (2012) Developing a supply chain: Rampian wind farm. Technical Report. University of Chichester: Marine SouthEast.

Robins, D. (2010) Devon Marine Industry: CAMIS Themed Analysis Report for Devon County Council. Technical Report. Channel Arc Manche Integrated Strategy INTERREG IVa, Chichester, West Sussex.

Robins, D. (2012) Executive summary for clustering in the Arc Manche Marine Industry: a combined English and French report. Project Report. Channel Arc Manche Integrated Strategy INTERREG IVa.

Robins, D. (2011) Maritime Plymouth: opportunities for strengthening membership through cluster activities. Discussion Paper. Channel Arc Manche Integrated Strategy INTERREG IVa.

Robins, D. (2011) Support for innovation and clustering in the Channel Arc Manche Marine Industry. CAMIS Arc Manche INTERREG Project.

Robins, D. (2012) West Sussex Environment and Climate Change Board: maintain, mend and pass-on: analysis of the sector and cluster potential. Project Report. West Sussex County Council, Chichester, West Sussex.

Robins, D. (2017) Women in Sports Leadership Academy: an evaluation. Project Report. University of Chichester, Chichester, UK.

Robins, D. and Cooper, D. (2013) Aldrington Basin, Shoreham harbour, A Delivery Plan. Project Report. University of Chichester, Chichester, UK.

Robins, D. and Ellis, S. (2011) The facilitation of KT for Maritime Plymouth, a marine industry cluster group, challenges, lessons and results. In: KT Conference, 2011, Sheffield. (Unpublished)


Sealy, W. (2022) Learning Through Volunteerism in Event Management Education: An Ethnography. In: Employability and skills development in the sports, events, and hospitality industry. IGI Global, Hershey, New York, pp. 1-24. ISBN 1799877825, 9781799877820

Sealy, W. and Seraphin, H. (2022) Heritage in DMOs Branding Strategies. Journal on Tourism and Sustainability. ISSN 2515-6780 (In Press)

Sealy, W. and Wheeler, P. (2023) Using indigenous sport and games for sustainable community tourism in Barbados. In: Inclusive community development through tourism and hospitality practices. IGI Global, pp. 273-297. ISBN 9781668467961

Sealy, W. C., Jenkins, P. and Jalley, A. (2023) The Recruitment Crisis in the British Hospitality Industry. In: Embracing Business Sustainability Through Innovation and Creativity in the Service Sector. IGI Global, pp. 31-46. ISBN 9781668467329

Sealy, W. C. and O'Connor, A. (2021) Is ‘Virtual’ the New ‘Reality’ For the Events Industry?? Journal on Tourism and Sustainability, 5 (1). pp. 44-52. ISSN 2515-6780

Sealy, W. (2017) Collaborative Partnerships in Event Management Education: The Good, The Bad and the Ugly. In: Conference on Sustainable Tourism Development: Issues, Challenges and Debates, Nepal, 2017, April 2017, Nepal.

Sealy, W. (2018) Framing the student, client and tutor relationship: collaborative partnerships in event management education. In: International Event Management: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice. Marketing and Operations Management Research . Nova Publishers, New York. ISBN 9781536136647

Sealy, W. (2018) From Colonialism to Transnationalism: The Neo-Colonial Structure of Caribbean Tourism. In: Tourism and Sustainable Development Conference, 16-18 May 2018, Kathmandu, Nepal.

Sealy, W. (2008) In their own words: stakeholder perceptions of the Golf World Cup, 2006. Barbados Tourism Authority Reports. (Submitted)

Sealy, W. (2020) Managing the Risks: An Observation of Crowd Management and Other Risks Associated With Outdoor Music Festivals in the UK. In: Legal, Safety, and Environmental Challenges for Event Management: Emerging Research and Opportunities. IGI Global, Hershey, PA, pp. 55-83. ISBN 9781799832300

Sealy, W. (2014) Tourism Intermediaries. In: Contemporary Caribbean Tourism. Ian Randal Publishers, Kingston, Jamaica. ISBN 9789766378851

Sealy, W. (2018) Vocationalizing Event Management Degrees. Event Management: An International Journal, 22 (3). pp. 469-482. ISSN 1525-9951

Sealy, W. and Mouatt, S. (2020) The Other Side of Paradise: The Cost of Tourism in the Caribbean. In: Contemporary Issues in Heterodox Economics: Implications for Theory and Policy Action. Routledge, London. ISBN 9780367365042

Sealy, W. and Seraphin, H. (2020) Hoteliers' Sources of Bargaining Power with British Tour Operators. A Barbados Case Study. Journal on Tourism and Sustainability, 3 (2). ISSN 2515-6780 (In Press)

Simmonds, D. (2012) Designing learning events. In: International Human Resource Development: Learning, Education and Training for Individuals and Organizations (3rd Edition). Kogan Page, London. ISBN 9780749461065

Simmonds, D. (2009) The evaluation of learning and development interventions. In: Human Resource Development. Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 9780199283286

Simmonds, D. (2010) The matching process in e-mentoring: a case study in luxury hotels. Journal of European Industrial Training, 34 (4). pp. 300-316. ISSN 0309-0590

Simmonds, D. and Tsui, O. (2010) Effective design of a global leadership programme. Human Resource Development International, 13 (5). pp. 519-540. ISSN 1367-8868

Student, A. (2018) Creating a business plan for 1:1 Performance Coaching. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Student, A. (2018) A Gap-analysis Study of Professional Skills Delivered by UK Higher Education Event Management Programmes Verses Graduate Professional Skills Sought by Industry Employers. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Student, A. (2018) To assess the retention of UK student Netflix customers at The University of Chichester, and identify the types of incentives that would increase customer retention. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Student, A. (2018) An assessment of the University of Chichester’s student’s perceptions of ethical practices in The Body Shop in order to increase sales of ethically sourced/ traded products to the student market. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Student, A. (2021) An Assessment of Chichester District Destination Attributes that Visitors Currently Value and Management Suggestions for The Great Sussex Way to Increase the Destination’s Attractiveness in a Post-Covid Stage. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Student, A. (2021) An Assessment of Potential Tax Revenue Lost by Major League Baseball Franchises via Roster Depreciation Allowance, and Proposals of How Reform Could Allow for the Reinvestment of These Tax Revenues in Ways that Support the Game. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Student, A. (2019) An Assessment of the Effectiveness of Social Media (SM): A Case Study of Social Media Profiles’ Impacts on Employment in 2019. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Student, A. (2018) Effective Leadership in Schools: Developing a model to understand the characteristic traits and leadership styles that make a good leader within schools in the South of England. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Student, A. (2018) An Evaluation of the Impact of Gender on an Individuals Financial Decision Making. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Student, A. (2020) How cashflow issues can affect the sustainability of the small and medium entities (SMEs) within Portsmouth area who bank with Barclays. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Student, A. (2018) How service quality can be improved at a family holiday tourist destination to reduce negative guest feedback: A study on Center Parcs, Longleat Forest. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.



Student, A. (2019) To assess which type of information content and recruitment events in Hong Kong would increases Chinese student recruitment to the University of Chichester. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Student, A. (2021) To evaluate the effect of the takeover of WorldFirst in terms of its competitive advantage in order to determine if takeover strategies improve the market position of foreign exchange providers. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Student, A. (2021) To examine the added value of implementing Corporate Social Responsibility practices on the UK supermarket industry, a case study of Tesco PLC 2015-2020. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Student, A. (2018) To identify the type of holiday products that travel agents should promote in order to maximise emotional value for honeymooners in the UK. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Student, A. (2019) An assessment of consumer awareness of Japanese vegetarian products (TOFU) and consumer behaviour at the University of Chichester to identify the most effective marketing method. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Student, A. (2020) An assessment of exercise promotion in Leisure Centres to support local community health by using exercise and mindfulness as stress management tools: a case study of Splashpoint Worthing. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Student, A. (2019) An assessment of marketing strategies to target Goodwood Health Club members and influence them to engage with personal training services on the Goodwood site. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Student, A. (2018) An assessment of the challenges and solutions required to convert clients from traditional accounting methods to Xero accounting software within Acquis Limited in 2018. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Student, A. (2020) An assessment of the information campaigns that Banks are implementing to prepare customers for the financial implications from Brexit: A Case Study of University of Chichester Students. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Student, A. (2021) An assessment of the online streaming services available in the UK, their offerings and their appeal to students: A case study of streaming preferences of University of Chichester students. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Student, A. (2020) An assessment of the use of Blockchain Technology across global systems: a systematic review of opportunities and risks in relation to Blockchain technology in 2020. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Student, A. (2019) The development of a framework for the selection of accounting software packages in order to improve invoice sales revenue income for Small and Medium Size Enterprises (SMEs). Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Student, A. (2019) An exploration into the impact of familial workplace relationships within the public sector on the Isle of Wight. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Student, A. (2019) A guideline for investors on recession resistant stock investment options: A study of influencing factors on profits and share values. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Student, A. (2021) A review of the effect of volunteer training and development on company performance: a case study of Citizens Advice’s current volunteer development programme in the Arun and Chichester Citizens Advice. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Student, A. (2021) A review of the factors driving Bognor Regis’ perceptions by residents and businesses in the town, in order to develop interventions that improve the town’s perception and drives an increase in visitor footfall. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.

Student, A. (2021) A study on individual investors and the effect of behavioural finance influences on their decision making while investing in the London Stock Exchange in 2020 in order to identify profitable investment strategies. Undergraduate thesis, University of Chichester.


Vasiliki, A., Sealy, W., Bakir, A. and Wickens, E. (2021) TOURISM FOR PEACE: CRITICAL REFLECTIONS. Journal on Tourism and Sustainability, 4 (2). pp. 6-74. ISSN 2515-6780


Warwick, R. (2019) Communities of impact at the University of Chichester’s Business School. eOrganisations and People, 26 (2). pp. 4-10. ISSN 2042-9797

Warwick, R. (2017) Doubt, uncertainty and vulnerability in leadership: using fiction to enable reflection and voice. Journal of Critical Organization Inquiry - TAMARA, 14 (4). pp. 99-109. ISSN 1532-5555

Warwick, R. (2014) Gaining leadership insights from literature – an exploration of paradoxical processes and how we might make sense of them. In: The New Romantics of Responsible Leadership: 6th Developing Leadership Capacity Conference, 7-9 July 2014, Lancaster Management School, Lancaster University, UK. (Unpublished)

Warwick, R. (2011) Guest Editorial - Innovation. Perspectives in Public Health, 131. p. 108. ISSN 1757-9139

Warwick, R. (2011) How to develop a culture of excellence. Health Service Journal.

Warwick, R. (2011) Reflexivity – an innovative leadership research methodology and an ongoing means to develop personal effectiveness. Working Paper. University of Bedfordshire, University of Bedfordshire.

Warwick, R. (2016) Routine innovation: complex processes from policy development to implementation. International Journal Business and Globalisation, 17 (4). pp. 541-555. ISSN 1753-3635

Warwick, R. (2018) The ethics and practice of teaching the practice of ethics. e-Organisations & People, 25 (4). pp. 43-52. ISSN 2042-9797

Warwick, R. (2010) The experience of policymaking in healthcare: the interaction of policy formulation and frontline staff practice. Doctoral thesis, University of Hertfordshire.

Warwick, R. (2012) The intertwining of private conversation and public presentation. eOrganisations and People, 19 (1). pp. 26-32.

Warwick, R. and Board, D. (2012) Reflexivity as methodology: an approach to the necessarily political work of senior groups. Educational Action Research, 20 (1). pp. 147-159. ISSN 0965-0792

Warwick, R. and Board, D. (2012) The Social Development of Leadership and Knowledge - Re-thinking Research and Practice: a Summary. In: Centre For Progressive Leadership, 12th Nov 2012, London Metropolitan University.

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Warwick, R., McCray, J. and Palmer, A. (2021) Collaborative Autoethnography: Its Use and Revelations in Management and Leadership Research and Publishing. Journal of Autoethnography, 2 (4). pp. 380-395. ISSN 2637-5192 (In Press)

Warwick, R. and Pete, B. (2018) Bringing Purpose to Life: Reflexive Thoughts and Possibilities. TAMARA Journal of Critical Organization Inquiry, 16 (1-2). pp. 13-24. ISSN 1532-5555

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